Camping at the beach is a perfect way to chill out on a summer day. Beach camping can be fun when you have packed games, lunch, a lot of chill water and an amazing book. However, the day gets special only if you carry along some sun safe treats. It would be disastrous to find all the candy you packed with so much enthusiasm and with the hope of rejuvenating you, melted and of no use. This is definitely a possibility when you carry regular candies to the beach with the sun shining bright and strong. Candies are always associated with chocolates; however with the sun hitting on you, chocolates are never an option. This is exactly why sun safe candies are a perfect alternative as they are designed to hold up for a long time in the sun.
Though labelled sun safe, these candies are not without choice. With the increasing demand, there are a lot of varieties of sun safe candies available in the market these days. A few varieties are:
The Lovely Rock Candy
Being a very interesting type of candy, the rock candy is made by evaporating sugar-water. Sugar crystals are left behind once the water evaporates and this process takes about seven days. Though very easy to make the wonderful flavors added to them make them even more attractive. Adding flavors like strawberry, raspberry, cherry and grape can make the rock candy interesting but what actually excites children is their packaging. Using creative ideas to pack the rock candy bring smiles on children’s faces that cannot be substituted with anything else.
The Ruling Jelly Beans
Jelly beans are not just an Easter treat but loved by children throughout the year. The shell of this candy is very hard and therefore it protects the gummy insides from the sun. This way jelly beans are always sun safe.
Licorice Fun
The world loves licorice in both its varieties, be it black or red. When the candy comes flavored with licorice extract then it is the black variety and when it does not contain the licorice extract then it is the red variety. Both these varieties are made into ropes, tubes or bites. The red varieties do not have licorice added to it so are flavored with strawberry, cherry or raspberry
Mixing Them
Mixing up all the varieties of candies is a very good idea if you have a huge crowd on the beach with you. Storing your candies in the foolproof containers is vital to prevent them from melting.
Camping at the beach definitely requires a lot of cold water to be carried along. Ensure to keep your water frozen till you head out to the beach. This will ensure that the water remains cold for a long time.
[ad_2]Source by Dhivya Rateesh Nair